Friday, April 15, 2011


Yesterday - 176.6 / Today - 176.0 / Difference -.60 / Total Loss -13.40


R1P2D14 Total Loss = -12.20
R2P2D14 Total Loss = -13.40

Not feeling too well today. Woke up with a runny nose, major headache & cough. Not a great way to start my weekend. Headed to the store in a few to pick up some Zinc & Vit C! Looks like this cold is going around, and not just here. A few of my fellow bloggers have been sick too.

On Sunday I am getting a 90 minute massage with my mom courtesy of my sister! She loves us and wanted to spoil us from afar (she lives in NY!). I can't wait!!

Hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend!!!


Caitlin said...

Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better soon! This darn cold stuff! Also wanted to say your before and after pictures are AMAZING! I just noticed it in the sidebar. Way to go!

Schatzi said...

I just added it to the sidebar today! lol That before picture is just embarrassing! My coworker took it at our company picnic in August. It's been hanging in our company lunchroom since... Talk about motivation! As the day went on I started feeling better.. Hope that was all I'm going to have! XxxX

Natures Conspiracy said...

So sorry that you are ill, seems to be the theme! Get the zinc into you and rest up!

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