Tuesday, November 16, 2010


-1.2 LIW (Phase 2 Total 17.4)

I'm SOOOO excited to hit the first goal that I set for myself! I've lost 10% of my weight since starting on 10/19/10! When I was with Weight Watchers, it took me 12 weeks to hit my 10%! I now have 6.7 lbs to go to hit my 2nd Goal, 1'der Land!!!

Last night I made the family Soup & Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. Grilled Cheese is my Comfort Food!!! It didn't even "look" good to me last night. What's up with that? ;) And even tho I'm on Day 21, I'm still not craving Sugar! I hope this continues since I made the decision to do a 42 day round!

From my doctors appointment on Saturday I lost another 2.75 inches. So my total is -6 1/4 inches so far. I can't wait for the hips/thighs/waist #'s to drop more!!

Thighs -.5" / Hips -.5" / Waist -.5" / Chest -.25" / Neck -.5" / Arm -Same = -2 3/4


Anonymous said...

Yaye, yaye, yaye! This is a huge achievement. So excited you hit such a big goal and weren't tempted by grilled cheese. (The only thing more seductive than cheese, is hot cooked cheese. Lol.) It will be so exciting to see where your inches end up. You can do it!

ssm25350 said...

Congrats!!! That is awesome, you are doing so good. I dont crave foods either, I watched my whole family eat chinese food and didnt even want it! Keep it up and youll be at your second goal in no time!

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