Thursday, November 18, 2010


-1.4 LIW (Phase 2 Total 18.8)

YAY for no Mini-Plateau! Today is my day 23 and my 21st injection (skipped 2 days with TOM). I can't help but keep thinking "Ya know? Today COULD be your last injection day! And you could enjoy Thanksgiving just a LITTLE more!" Argh.. I can't get that out of my head!!! But my goal is to make it another 23 days on Phase 2!! That means I will probably be doing a total of 49 days (21 injections x2, take 4 days off w/TOM, 3 days VLCD after last injection).

Yesterday I looked up all the rewards for losing 10%!! The Mr is probably really excited about #7 and my kids are probably really excited about #1! I used to be SO exhaused by 6-7:00 pm that I wouldn't be able to do anything "fun" with them!

10. Better blood pressure
9. Improved heart health and lower cholesterol levels
8. Decreased risk for diabetes
7. Enhanced sex life
6. A better night’s sleep for those with obstructive sleep apnea
5. Less pain associated with arthritis, joint disease, and lower back pain.
4. Better breathing
3. Decreased risk for colon and breast cancer
2. A healthier gallbladder
1. More energy


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