Friday, December 03, 2010


-1.4 Loss (Phase 2 - 24 pounds) TOTAL -30 Pounds!!

I'm -.1 away from my 2nd goal, to be in 1'derland!!! I feel so great today just knowing that I'm *almost* there!!!

This weekend I will be out of town for little Mama's soccer games. I'm packing as much as I can and think that I'll have the motivation just KNOWING I've lost THIRTY POUNDS!!! I won't be able to cook any foods so I'm taking my salad mixings and precooked chicken to eat cold.

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend!!!


Masbirdies said...

Go Girl! I'm looking forward to getting under 200 myself for the first time in about 5 years. I've got 4.4 lbs to go!

Didnt have to pack for a weekend today but I did have to pack for a golf outing. I had cold chicken, a tomato (that was pre-sliced) and an apple...with lots of water. It worked out good!

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